Submission Guidelines – Adult Fiction and Non-Fiction
Cormorant Books is currently accepting literary fiction and non-fiction submissions FROM CANADIAN AUTHORS ONLY.
Please adhere to the following guidelines. Failure to do so will prevent your submission from being reviewed.
1. The subject line of your email should read QUERY, plus YOUR NAME. Your query, in the body of your email, should include the following:
– a brief description of your manuscript (maximum 200 words)
– two or three sentences about your background (include date and place of birth)
– a note about select previous publications
– notification if your manuscript is currently submitted elsewhere
– your postal mailing address and telephone number
2. Your sample should consist of the following, sent as a single email attachment:
– a sample not exceeding three (3) chapters or fifty (50) pages, whichever comes first
– document saved in DOC Format
– document saved as [YOUR NAME] – [TITLE]
Send your query to submissions[at]cormorantbooks[dot]com
If, on the basis of the sample, we would like to see more of your work, you will be contacted by email. You will only be contacted if we want to see more work. Please do not send a full manuscript or a longer sample unless you are asked for one. Please send nothing by post unless you are asked. Unsolicited mail will be immediately recycled.